miscellaneous tipz & trix 4 THE FINALS
THE FINALS new player primer

it’s a wip don’t @ me unless u want something added

!!! if you're going to put money into the game to get your swag on, please note the following:

1. the season 3 starter pack gives you the same amount as buying $10 of funbux, but gives you 3 weapon skins and a sticker for free

2. the bank rabbit set gives you the same amount as buying $20 of funbux, but gives you a bunny outfit set and an easter egg emote for free

3. the battlepass, when completed, will give the player 1550 credits, a net gain of 400 from the purchase cost of 1150 (if not purchased, there are 27 free pages that include 375 funbux)

4. all bundle cosmetics can be purchased a la carte, if you don't want the full bundle at a discounted price !!!

General Tips

- the best wiki is located at https://www.thefinals.wiki and is officially supported by Embark

- the wiki also has a tips page; consider it an addendum to this guide (with the caveat that some of these might be outdated) https://www.thefinals.wiki/wiki/Tips 

- cashout steals take approximately 6.5 seconds

- player revive statues are carriable! picking them up and moving them to a safe location for a revive is often advisable, but they can also be thrown at teammates

- player revive statues can have landmines stuck to them, and even be used offensively when mines are attached

- the arena environment is your greatest asset; always be working to master movement mechanics! ledge grabs are very forgiving with their wiggle room, holding jump when trying to make that jump will usually work out if you commit to it

Weapons & Gear

- all loadout options are viable*, but the defibrillator for the medium is borderline mandatory (for avoiding team wipes, keeping numerical advantage in team fights, and avoiding vulnerability while reviving)

*experimentation is recommended to find combinations that work well together; loadout suggestions can be found at the end of this document

- all firearms are hitscan (with the exception of the ks-23 shotgun)

- shotgun spread is fixed regardless of whether the player ADS' (aims down sights)

- charged defibs can also be used to deal 50 damage to enemy players

- using the cloaking device will NOT hide sniper glint

- fire from the flamethrower will pass through mesh and dome shield barriers

Environmental Stuff

- environmental elements are interactive & reactive: smoke extinguishes fire, fire combusts poison gas and goo, building debris kicks up dust, goo can be used to displace and destroy structures, fire spreads along flammable objects, etc.

- gas clouds do not deal damage when they combust

- weapons have different levels of environmental destruction damage separate from player damage

- all arena carriables (barring revive statues) can be thrown to deal 50 damage

- propane tanks can be caught after being launched to "cook" them or be used as point-blank explosives

cool & sexy loadout ideas 4 u



Grappling Hook, M11, Sonar Grenade, Pyro Grenade, Vanishing Bomb

> The grappling hook provides unparalleled maneuverability, while the M11 and grenades provide excellent burst damage and damage-over-time for hit & run attacks or focusing down opponents that are engaging your team. Sonar grenades provide situational awareness, with the vanishing bomb for quick escapes


Evasive Dash, Sword, Stun Gun, Goo Grenade, Vanishing Bomb

> win those 1v1s bro (Dash into enemies to drop sword combos before they know what’s happening, stun gun for the advantage if they see you first, goo grenades and vanishing bombs to disengage and re-engage at will)


Cloaking Device, Sniper rifle, what’s a utility option

> don’t

Sniper Support

Grappling Hook, SR-84, Sonar Grenade, Gateway, Thermal Bore

> Grappling hook for quick relocation to vantage points, with sonar grenade for revealing targets for you and your team. Gateway for additional mobility and quick escapes (alternatively, replace with goo grenades to make your own sniper nest), with the thermal bore for opening up sightlines and playing keep-away with the cashout station.


Cloaking Device, V9S, Stun Gun, Smoke Grenades, Thermal Vision

> THIS IS MY CASHOUT STATION IT BELONGS TO ME (Enter cashout station location, put up smokes and stun/kill people through it until they ragequit)


General Support

Healing Beam, any primary, APS turret, Zipline, Defibrillator

> All the tools you need to easily keep your teammates up and moving, and the APS turret for shutting down enemy grenades/explosives and defending cashout stations

Combat & Traversal

Dematerializer, AKM/1887, Zipline, Goo Grenade, Defibrillator

> Good direct damage options, with options for traversing in any direction through any given obstacle

Dale’s Dead-Bug

Guardian Turret, CL-40, Glitch Trap, Gas Mine, Defibrillator

> Three damage sources that excel at dealing with the mobility of light players, with glitch traps to disable their utility as well as that of their teammates


Combat Engineer

Goo Gun, Flamethrower, RPG-7, Barricade, Dome Shield

> Put up and tear down fortifications at will, with crowd control damage options and excellent combat utility


Mesh Shield, MGL32/SA1216, RPG-7, Anti-Gravity Cube, Dome Shield

> Front-line defense, with options for extreme damage output at whatever range you dictate with your utility picks

Advanced movement & traversal